Varsity Brews Podcast
Varsity Brews Podcast
The BIGGEST question mark for Notre Dame in 2024!?
In the latest episode of the Varsity Brews Podcast, we dive into the BIGGEST question mark for Notre Dame in 2024.
PLUS a NEW partnership for Varsity Brews! Introducing Legacy Performance. Founded locally, owners Nate and Michael join the show to discuss their breakthrough product.
Want to try some for yourself? Go to https://legacyperformance.com/ and use the code VarsityLegacy24 in the checkout to receive an exclusive 15% off your purchase!
Thank you to our sponsors:
WestWind Brewery:
Rustic Rocks. Check out Gabe and Rustic Rocks here for your next project:
Legacy Performance:
Evan: https://twitter.com/EvanSharpley
Vahid: https://www.instagram.com/vsr_media/
WestWind Brewery: http://westwindbrewery.com/wwb-home