Varsity Brews Podcast
Hosts Evan Sharpley and Vahid Sadrzadeh talk college football and craft beer! Live guests include current players to former football legends. Thanks to Westwind Brewery Co. in Elkhart, Indiana for hosting the show! Evan Sharpley is a former Notre Dame Quarterback and the owner of Sharply Training. Vahid Sadrzadeh is the host of ABC57 Kickoff and award-winning journalist covering Notre Dame football.
Varsity Brews Podcast
Thanksgiving Special: The Game and Turkey Day Traditions
Vahid Sadrzadeh & Evan Sharpley
Season 3
Episode 10
Varsity Brews Podcast: Thanksgiving Special: The Game and Turkey Day Traditions
Vahid, Evan, and Aaron are live at Daaa Baaa (the original WestWind location) for a Thanksgiving special. The boys get together over Monday Night Football and a few whales!
What is the status of "sign-stealing gate" and does this effect The Game between Michigan and Ohio State? Who has the edge?? They break down the biggest college football game of the year.
PLUS, a whale of a surprise!!!
Evan: https://twitter.com/EvanSharpley
Vahid: https://www.instagram.com/vsr_media/
WestWind Brewery: http://westwindbrewery.com/wwb-home